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Created By Peace Provokers

The Peace of Mind Guarantee is a scientific approach to discovering agreement, practicing healthy relationships with ourselves and others so we can quickly address change and settle any disagreements out of court.  Our mission is to provide on demand support at critical intersections of personal and professional confusion with the help of a peace-provoking AI that we affectionately call Ella .  AI Ella is still in research and development so she is is supported by a community of Experts in Action.

Love & Law

If we don't want the heart to take a subversive role in our lives, then we need to find a way to work with it, to harness its power for our own good, the good of those we love, for our clients, and for the world. How can we engage the power of the heart and still be effective professionals who are credible and successful (professionally, financially, and personally)?

Being & Doing

We are expected to partition our hearts from our work; but it is not possible. The truth is, the heart has power that will manifest even if we believe we've blocked its influence. Anxiety, depression, and burnout are signals of misalignment between the professional and their authentic self.

Conflict & Impact

Our mission is to help families & professionals transform the way "the law" impacts their lives and relationships. We have walked the path for two decades and want to help you align your work with your authentic self and change how conflict impacts you, your clients, and the world.

Authentic Self

Bringing something of value and meaning into the world is an act of love. Your work can be an expression of your true self. If you choose, it can be an expression of love.


In the event we find ourselves in the midst of addressing change and/or expressing disagreement we agree to use the the Steps below to find a solution as quickly and respectfully as possible.

Step 1


To start, the person initiating the Peace of Mind Guarantee will tell the other person(s) they want to have a conversation and provide a brief statement of the topic event, question, or concern they want to talk through and how they want to see it resolved ("Optimal Outcome"). This can be done by email, text or other written message.  If you need our help starting the conversation you can submit this form and a facilitator will be assigned to your account to start Step 2.

Step 2


If Step 1 does not lead to an outcome that is satisfactory for all of us, we agree to invite a facilitator to join our conversation within 7 days. The facilitators job will be to help all parties listen and honor all sides and perspectives equally in order to support clarity of understanding and connection between us so that we may create, make changes to our Optimal Outcome and realign on a Shared Vision.  The facilitator will create an Action Plan that may include a timeline, team, tools and cost estimate to complete Step 3, 4, 5, & 6.

Step 3


If Step 2 does not lead to an outcome that is satisfactory for all of us, we agree to joint-session mediation. Any of us may commence the mediation/collaborative process by providing to the other written notice setting forth the subject of the confusion, dispute, claim or controversy and the relief requested. Within 10 days after receipt of the foregoing notice, each recipient shall deliver a written response to the sender. The initial mediation shall be held within 30 calendar days after the initial notice. The mediation costs will be shared equally, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon.

Step 4


If, after completing Steps 1-3, we still do not have a plan that is satisfactory to both/all of us, we agree to submit the issues that remain unresolved to a third party arbitrator (our "Private Judge™). If we are unable to choose an arbitrator that is mutually acceptable to both of us within 14 days, the mediator from Step 3 may choose for us.


The parties agree to resolve any claims or disputes of any nature that may arise between us through final and binding arbitration. The arbitrator will have exclusive power to decide all matters. The arbitration proceedings and any award will be confidential. The arbitration ruling may be entered and enforced as a judgment in any court having jurisdiction. Each party in the arbitration will pay such party’s own legal fees and costs, and the parties initially will split equally the fees of the arbitrator. The arbitrator will be authorized, however, to reapportion arbitration fees as part of the award of costs in favor of a prevailing party.  By agreeing to binding arbitration, we understand that we are waiving certain important rights and protections that otherwise may have been available to us if a dispute between us were determined by a judicial action, including, without limitation, the right to a jury trial and certain rights of appeal.  The Unified Arbitration Rules and Procedures are described in greater detail under Rules & Procedures.

Step 5


Once an arbitration award is confirmed, the judgment is docketed, which means that it has the same force and effect as any other civil judgment. In most cases, arbitration awards are confirmed and entered as judgments without adverse party opposition. We refer to collaborative lawyers who are trained in alternative dispute resolution and offer unbundled legal services.

Step 6

Nest Again.

Harvard Neuroscientist, Dr Jill Bolte Taylor reminds us that how we feel about something can really only last 90 seconds unless we choose to stay in that emotional loop. When we pause to name what’s stressing us out, and we inject a small dose of that behavior into our own life, we can harness stress as a design tool to return to peace.  We practice provoking peace in ourselves, with our friends and family, in our work, and in our community every day.  How hard can it be?

© 2022 PeaceProvokers LLC

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